SOING Affiliate Program

Transform your passion into profit!

Join the SOING Affiliate Program and

earn 15% commission on every referred purchase.

Start growing your income today with the top barware brand in the US!

Join Now
  • Effortless Promotion

    Easily promote SOING products using our referral link.

  • Generous Commissions & Bonuses

    Earn a 15% commission on every referral. No caps, no obligations, and no minimum commitments—your earning potential is unlimited.

  • Advanced Tracking Tools

    Track your performance with ease through our affiliate dashboard. Monitor clicks, visits, payouts, and commissions, and enjoy timely payments every month.

Most frequent questions and answers


Do I Fit SOING Affiliate Program?

Absolutely! Whether you’re a home bartender, cocktail enthusiast, or professional affiliate, anyone can join the SOING Affiliate Program. Why not transform your passion into a profitable venture? We believe everyone is as unique as our brand!

How Does the Affiliate Program Work?

Simply share SOING products with your audience—whether it’s a specific product link or a general link to our shop—and earn commissions on qualifying purchases!

How Can I Earn with the Program?

Earn commissions on qualifying purchases! Payments are made via PayPal, and your dashboard keeps you updated on upcoming payouts.

Is There a Commission Cap?

Not at all! The more you refer, the more you earn. Enjoy a 15% commission on every order (excluding shipping costs) with no limits. Let your creativity and talent shine!